- b: Boolean,
- s: String,
- f: Float,
- i: Integer,
- a: Array,
- m: Mixed,
- o: Object,
- r: Ressource,
- c: Closure,
- oc: Octal,
- -: Void,
- *: Other(s) type(s)
Retrieve information about browser based on the clients User Agent string (Configuration).
Set of helper functions for working with arrays.
- a*::to_assoc(arr)
- a::assoc_to_keyval([assoc], [key], [val])
- a::average([array])
- a::flatten(array, [glue], [reset])
- a::flatten_assoc(array, [glue], [reset])
- a::filter_prefixed(array, [pre], [remove])
- a::filter_keys(array, keys, [remove])
- m*::get(array, key, [default])
- -::set(&array, key, [value])
- b*::delete(&array, key)
- b::insert(&original, value, pos)
- b::insert_after_key(&array, val, key)
- b::insert_after_value(&array, val, after)
- m::sort(array, key, [order], [sort_flags])
- bin_arrayi(needle, haystack)
Grouping and displaying of assets (js, css, img).
- -::add_path(path)
- s::css([stylesheets], [attr], [group], [raw])
- s*::find_file(file, folder)
- s::img([images], [attr], [group])
- s::js([scripts], [attr], [group], [raw])
- -::remove_path(path)
- s::render(group, [raw])
Interact with the autoloading process.
Cache the result of a resource heavy operation (Configuration & Advanced).
- -::set(id, [contents], [expiration], [dependencies])
- m::get(id, [use_expiration])
- -::delete(identifier)
- -::delete_all([section], [driver])
- -::call(id, cb, [args], [expiration], [dependencies])
Interact with the command line.
Load in a config file, get a value or set a value.
Get, set and delete cookies.
- m::get(name, [default])
- b::set(name, val, [end], [path], [domain], [secure], [http])
- -::delete(name, [path], [domain], [secure], [http])
Encrypt or decrypt a string.
Build and execute database queries and fetch the result (Introduction & Usage & Builder Insert, Select, Update, Delete, Where).
- o::query(query)
- s::last_query()
- o::select()
- o::select_array(columns)
- o::insert([table], [columns])
- o::update([table])
- o::delete([table])
- o::expr(expression)
- o::quote(string, [db])
- m::quote_identifier(string, db)
- m::quote_table(string, [db])
- s::table_prefix(table, [db])
- s::escape(string, [db])
- a::list_columns(table, [like], [db])
- a::list_tables([like], [db])
- a::datatype(type, [db])
- i::count_records(table, [db])
- i::count_last_query([db])
- -::set_charset(charset, db)
- b::start_transaction([db])
- b::commit_transaction([db])
- b::rollback_transaction([db])
- b: Boolean,
- s: String,
- f: Float,
- i: Integer,
- a: Array,
- m: Mixed,
- o: Object,
- r: Ressource,
- c: Closure,
- oc: Octal,
- -: Void,
- *: Other(s) type(s)
Manage and perform routine operations on your databases.
- i::create_database(database, [charset])
- i::drop_database(database)
- i::drop_table(table)
- i::rename_table(table, new_table_name)
- i::create_table(name, fields, [pk], [i_n_e], [engine], [charset], [fk])
- i::add_fields(table, fields)
- i::drop_fields(table, fields)
- i::modify_fields(table, fields)
- s::create_index(table, columns, name, [index])
- s::drop_index(table, index_name)
- i::truncate_table(table)
- b::analyze_table(table)
- b::check_table(table)
- b::optimize_table(table)
- b::repair_table(table)
Helper functions for working with dates.
Debugging variables, objects, arrays.
Interact with the Fuel Core without having to alter any core files.
Create a form and handle it's validation in an object oriented way. See Form and Validation classes.
Set of methods to working with files & directories (Introduction & Advanced & Handlers).
- b::create(basepath, name, [contents], [area])
- b::create_dir(basepath, name, [chmod], [area])
- i*::read(path, [as_string], [area])
- a::read_dir(path, [depth], [filter], [area])
- b::update(basepath, name, [contents], [area])
- b::append(basepath, name, [contents], [area])
- b::rename(path, new_path, [area])
- b::rename_dir(path, new_path, [area])
- b::copy(path, new_path, [area])
- b::copy_dir(path, new_path, [area])
- b::delete(path, [area])
- b::delete_dir(path, [recursive], [delete_top], [area])
- r::open_file(path, [lock], [area])
- b::close_file(resource, [area])
- o::get(path, [config], [area])
- s::get_url(path, [config], [area])
- oc::get_permissions(path, [area])
- int::get_time(path, [type], [area])
- int::get_size(path, [type], [area])
- a::file_info(path, [area])
- -::download(path, [name], [mime], [area])
Create individual form elements or create a full form along with validation. See Fieldset class.
- s::open([attributes], [hidden])
- s::close()
- s::input(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::button(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::hidden(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::password(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::radio(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::checkbox(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::file(field, [attributes])
- s::reset(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::submit(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::textarea(field, [value], [attributes])
- s::select(field, [values], [options], [attributes])
- s::label(label, [id], [attributes])
- s::fieldset_open([attributes], [legend])
- s::fieldset_close()
Convert between various formats such as XML, JSON, CSV, etc.
Upload, download, move and mirror files with remote servers over the FTP protocol.
The Fuel class contains the core methods of the Fuel framework.
- b: Boolean,
- s: String,
- f: Float,
- i: Integer,
- a: Array,
- m: Mixed,
- o: Object,
- r: Ressource,
- c: Closure,
- oc: Octal,
- -: Void,
- *: Other(s) type(s)
HTML wrapper for nearly all HTML tags.
- s::anchor(href, text, [attributes], [secure])
- s::mail_to(email, text, [subject], [attr])
- s::mail_to_safe(email, text, [subject], [attr])
- s::img(src, [attr])
- s::meta(name, [content], [type])
- s::doctype([type])
- s::audio(src, [attr])
- s::ul(list, [style])
- s::ol(list, [style])
- shtml_tag(tag, [attr], [content])
- sarray_to_attr(attr)
Add common manipulations to an image such as resizing, cropping, and so on.
- o::forge([config])
- o::config(index, [value])
- o::load(filename, [return_data])
- o::crop(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- o::resize(width, [height], [keepar], [pad])
- o::crop_resize(width, [height])
- o::rotate(degrees)
- o::watermark(filename, position, [padding])
- o::border(size, [color])
- o::mask(maskimage)
- o::rounded(radius, [sides], [antialias])
- -::save(filename, [permissions])
- -::save_pa(prepend, [append], [ext], [permissions])
- -::output(filetype)
Transforms words from singular to plural, class names to table
names, modularized class names to ones without, and class names to
foreign keys.
Access HTTP parameters, load server variables and user agent details.
Set language variables using language files in your application.
- -::load(file, [group])
- s*::get(line, [params])
- -::set(line, value, [group])
- s*__(string, [params])
Write messages to the log files.
Run, walk through and revert Migrations from your controllers.
Supplies CRUD functionalities in a standardized way. To use the Model_Crud class, create a class that extends \Model_Crud (Introduction).
Interact with MongoDB databases (Introduction).
- o::instance([name])
- o->get([collection])
- o->get_one([collection])
- o->get_where([collection], [where], [limit])
- o->select([includes], [excludes])
- o->where([wheres])
- o->or_where([wheres])
- o->where_in([field], [in])
- o->where_in_all([field], [in])
- o->where_not_in([field], [in])
- o->where_gt([field], x)
- o->where_gte([field], x)
- o->where_lt([field], x)
- o->where_lte([field], x)
- o->where_between([field], x)
- o->where_between_ne([field], x)
- o->where_ne([field], x)
- o->like([field], [val], [flags], [start_*], [end_*])
- o->order_by([fields])
- o->limit([x])
- o->offset([x])
- i->count([collection], [foundonly])
- i*->insert([collection], [insert])
- b->update([collection], [data], [options])
- b->update_all([collection], [data])
- b->delete([collection])
- b->delete_all([collection])
- m->command([query])
- o->add_index([collection], [keys], [options])
- o->remove_index([collection], [keys])
- o->remove_all_indexes([collection])
- a->list_indexes([collection])
- b: Boolean,
- s: String,
- f: Float,
- i: Integer,
- a: Array,
- m: Mixed,
- o: Object,
- r: Ressource,
- c: Closure,
- oc: Octal,
- -: Void,
- *: Other(s) type(s)
Additional formatting methods for working with numeric values.
Load, unload, check if a package is loaded, or get all packages loaded.
Setup pagination for records you display.
Interact with a Redis key-value store. Every valid redis command (see the Redis Documentation) as a method of that object.
Processes URI requests. Need it to generate requests in an HMVC context.
Methods to deal with HTTP response and browser output.
Allows you to have CSRF protection in your application.
Maintain state for your application in the stateless
environment of the web. Store variables on the server using a variety of
storage solutions (Configuration & Advanced).
Set of methods to help with the manipulation of strings.
Securely process files that have been uploaded to the application (Configuration).
Interact with the URI.
Helps you validate user input. Use Fieldset class for form & validation at the same time (Introduction & Errors).
Object wrapper for HTML pages with embedded PHP, called "views".
- o->__construct([file], [data], [auto_encode])
- o::forge([file], [data], [auto_encode])
- o->auto_encode([encode])
- o->set_filename(file)
- o->set(key, [value], [encode])
- -::set_global(key, [value], [encode])
- o->bind(key, [value])
- -::bind_global(key, [value])
- srender(view, [data])
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